Friday, April 16, 2010


We went to Aunt Stella's funeral was a nice, simple service...just the way I think she would have wanted it. My mother had the funeral home check their records for when Uncle Mac passed away and had the same music played...Amazing Grace (of course) and I can't remember the name of the other song. After the service, I helped as a pall bearer. I was proud to stand up for her and Uncle Mac. After the service, the preacher read a couple of scriptures at the grave side and that was it.
Though I wasn't sad for Stella...I am sad for our family. She was Papa Jones' sister, and now there are only two left. Unfortunately, those two didn't appreciate the care she got for her last years, and often called to meddle. They tried and tried to keep mom in turmoil, but when asked if they wanted to take over...of course they didn't. Then, the day before the funeral they asked for photos and a table that were Stella's. I guess I shouldn't be surprised...when Mac passed, they were asking Stella for some of his belongings on the day of his funeral. I can't understand the need to focus on "things" instead of the real issues....the need to celebrate a life and send them off to rest in a respectful manner. I can only hope that we can teach the kids that this type of behavior isn't right. I don't want anything that was Mac or Stella's....the parts of them I want I already have in my heart and in my memories. Rest in peace Aunt deserve it. Hug Uncle Mac for me...

So....enough about the funeral. We got back home that night...and were back to work today. I am very tired, but have a lot on my mind. I want to "talk" about this blog for another minute or so. My kids and wife have access to this thing, and I am going to use it to "say" some things that I think and feel. I can probably express myself more easily by writing these things down.

I am also pondering the idea of posting my blog address on my Facebook page....see if I can get a few followers and some opinions on here....not sure though if I want to share some of these thoughts.

Well, that's enough for the posts to come, I will discuss subjects like music. I will probably also talk about football some since I do coach a little bit.

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