Saturday, April 10, 2010


We ran the Purity Dairy Moosic City 5K this morning. 10 of us, wearing "team meemaw" t-shirts completed the event...a charity race for cancer research or something like that. I ran/walked the thing in a personal best of 42:18....nearly 8 minutes faster than my previous best of 50 minutes. I know it is pathetic to do 3.2 miles in nearly an hour...but for a couch potato you have to start somewhere! My son on the other hand did it in 23:06, good enough for 7th place in his age group! I am very proud of him.....he plays school soccer, and doesn't really have time to train for distance running....I can't imagine how good he would do if he did spend some time just running. The wife walked it with other members of her side of the family and did really well too!!
After wards...we went mattress shopping...ended up buying a posture-pedic bed for us and two new mattresses for the boys loft beds, then to guitar lessons, daughter to birthday party, shoe shopping and finally dinner and home. What a weekend!!! I still have a ton of work to do to get ready for work on Monday, but we did get a lot done if I don't get all of my work done tomorrow, then Monday will have to be good enough.

I've been thinking about this blogging thing....not sure what I think about me doing one. Not sure I really have anything interesting to say, but maybe it will help me to get my thoughts down on paper. I don't have any followers yet, but maybe one day someone will chime in? I hope so....I think.

Anyways, I am sitting here on the couch, watching the military channel and listening to the wife snore softly. I look around me and know how lucky I am to have this life...actually often very surprised that I do....somehow it has worked out pretty well for me so far, mostly thanks to her and my family....really not sure what I did to have such blessings. It certainly couldn't have been the way I lived before I met her....or at times since.

The government really concerns me these days. I really think maybe we should fire them all, and start over. Maybe with term limits for all of them...that way we can stop having professional politicians up there...maybe get a few people who had to stretch a paycheck or two....or who had to figure out how to get a job, or feed their kids with no money in hand. A few people from all walks of life, who actually had to struggle to survive....this would seem to make the government more responsive to our wishes and real needs. I also think that the government shouldn't make laws that don't pertain to them...this health care bill for example...the people who foisted this thing on us, don't have to use it? They have a health care plan better than anything the rest of us can afford, for life, and seem to think they know best for the real world? amazing. I don't have a problem helping the less fortunate, but we can't simple give people everything....we need to help these people up, not keep them down. Provide training and opportunity for them to get off of welfare instead of perpetuating this.... but that's an argument for another day..... I don't support Obama, but he is the dually elected president...I just wish I felt he could be trusted....

Another in the hell are we supposed to pay for all these handouts to big business and now the health care plan?

I would also like to see a large portion of our foreign aid be spent here instead...especially in the countries like France and Germany that don't seem to remember what we have done for them for decades. It is every nations right to support whoever and whatever it chooses...I don't dispute this, however, if you don't support us, then we should withdraw our troops (the ones that kept these two countries free from the USSR for 50 years) and stop providing for their security in any way. You don't want our help....ok! Those billions of dollars sure could help out our schools, or infrastructure....maybe pay down some of the national debt...or pay for some of that training I spoke of above.

One last thing for tonight...I am so excited to have been accepted to UGA for grad school. I have always dreamed of going to school there....and for someone who thought he would never go to finish my BS degree and now to go to UGA....I'm not sure it is all real! :-)

1 comment:

  1. See what happens when the start the day off with a good run! Congrats on the PR, I am sure it will not be the last
